Thursday 5 July 2012

Giving up on prince charming

Most girls are conditioned from childhood to expect a prince charming to lead us to our happily ever after. Since this is an unrealistic and potentially harmful fantasy, I thought it would be useful to put together a bit of a guide to help us manage our disappointment.
While I have written this article from a female perspective, this fantasy is by no means limited to women seeking a prince charming. If you yourself are a prince charming waiting for a domestic goddess to float into your life and do your ironing, then get real!
Here are the hard facts:
1.       You may meet prince charming, but he’s not guaranteed to be interested in you!
  • Have you lived your life to the full or have you been sitting on the couch eating ice-cream waiting for your prince charming? Wouldn’t you rather go out with someone who has a good circle of friends, a variety of hobbies, life experiences and a good career? Get off your arse blobbo. Put down the spoon. Stop waiting for your life to change and start living.
2.       Prince charming isn’t perfect
  • There is no such thing as a perfect guy. Are you perfect? No! All humans are flawed, and that’s what makes relationships so worthwhile. Who wants perfect anyway. Perfect is boring!
  • Putting unrealistic ideals on any person in a relationship will only lead to disappointment. When I was in my first relationship I expected doors to be opened for me and the whole royal treatment – boy was I in for a shock. Odds are a 21st century Australian male won’t open a door for you. He will buy you a beer though (or the first round at least...).
  • Even if you do find someone you think is perfect, his charms may wane after a few years. It’s very likely that your prince charming’s pet lizards or his stamp collection will start to grate on your nerves.
3.       Prince charming / aka your future husband wont just appear out of the blue
  •  He’s not just going to knock on your door and say “hey princess, I see you’ve been waiting for me on the couch. Let me join you. Oh I see you are in your PJ’s... no matter, you look sexy just how you are”. I used to dismay that I wouldn’t find the ‘man of my dreams’ just living down the street. Only old people live on my street. And most of them are married.
4.       Prince charming won’t solve all your problems, financial or otherwise
  • One of the most charming things about Prince charming is his title. He is a prince, he’s made of money. Many girls still hold the view they will ‘marry well’ and this will set them up financially for life. This head-in-the-sand approach will only lead to impoverishment. Don’t rely on anyone for your finances but yourself!
  • One person cannot be the panacea for all your ailments, it is too much to ask for.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that we all give up on love. On the contrary, I am saying that love and a happy relationship is entirely possible (if not probable) WHEN you give up on the idea of Prince Charming. Set yourself free from this idea, and you never know who you will meet.

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